时间: 2017/4/26 14:19:20 浏览:1015 来自:
⾃精卵+第三方辅助生殖周期套餐(含 PGS 和周期药费) $35,000
OwnEgg and Sperm with Surrogacy (Including PGS and Cycle Medication Fee)
初次问诊及体检 Initial Consultation and Exam/Test
·初诊咨询(电话,视频,或现场咨询) Initial Consultation
·美国孕妈资格审核 SurrogateMedical Records Review
·美国孕妈周期前体检 SurrogatePre-Screening
·来访 OnsiteVisit
·客人男女双方疾病与传染病检查 Femaleand Male STD Panels
·精子分析 SemenAnalysis
·精液冷冻 SpermFreezing
·国际客人协调翻译 Coordinationand Translation for International Patients
·超声波检查 In-cycleUltrasound Monitoring
·激素血液检查 In-cycleHormone Level Monitoring
·取卵手术 EggRetrieval
·IVF 实验室及手术费用 Laband Operation Fees
·设施费 FacilityFees
·取卵当日****************** Anesthesia
·ICSI - 胞浆内单精子注射 IntracytoplasmicSperm Injection
·AHA - 辅助孵化 EmbryoAssisted Hatching
·胚胎移植 Embryotransfer
·PGS 胚胎植入前基因测序(8 个胚胎) PreimplantationGenetic Screening (8 embryos)
·胚胎培养 Culturingof Embryos
·胚胎 PGS/PGD 活检 Embryo Biopsy for PGS/PGD
·胚胎冷冻 EmbryoCryopreservation
·胚胎第一年存储 FirstYear Embryo Storage Fee
·第一次怀孕检查 (hCG 人类绒毛膜促性腺激素) PregnancyTest (hCG)
·周期内用药 ($5,000) Cycle Medication($5,000)
·国际客人协调翻译 Coordinationand Translation for International Patients
可能发生的额外费用 Other Possible Fees
·PGS 检测超过 8 个 $250/颗
·美国孕妈体检(只有第一位第一次体检包含在周期套餐内) $2,500
·美国孕妈在 Gen 5Fertility 诊所外监测行政协调费用 $800
·美国孕妈无创产前检查 NIPT $850
·第一个怀孕阶段检查费(第二次孕检到毕业) $2,000
·保胎药费 $2,000
·冷冻胚胎卵子|冷冻精子保存(第一年包含在套餐内) $750|$350
·周期内额外精液冷冻 $285
·周期内额外性传染病检查 $620
·全面基因检测 $490
·$5,000 以上周期药费 待确定
·额外可能发生的手术费用 待确定
Gen 5 Fertility 政策声明如果取卵完成,则算周期完成。如果没有形成囊胚可供送检,则可退还客人 PGS 费用$3,500。领取的药品无法收回,药费无法退还。
Thecycle is complete done upon egg retrieval procedure. Only the PGS fee ($3,500)is refundable if no embryos can be biopsied. The medication given to thepatients can’t be recalled and medicine fee is nonrefundable.
Gen 5 Fertility 将于 2018 年 10 月 10 日开始实施此价格。
This package fee takeseffect from October 10, 2018.